as3 employment Job hunting and social media

Social media help you in your job hunt.


Social media have changed the way we communicate. We have gone from being recipients of information to being active participants in a dialogue. 

In the beginning, social media were mostly tools for people to maintain contact with friends and family – but this has largely changed. Social media have become a part of the professional world and contribute to making working life both easier and more effective. 

There are many social media and new ones are constantly popping up. Three of the most popular social media are Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. These are described briefly here:

LinkedIn – Your professional network

With its several hundred million users, LinkedIn is definitely the largest professional and job social network service. The members build work-related networks here. Central for those who want to start actively working with LinkedIn is to develop and optimise one's profile. With your profile, you can both show and describe your job competence, experience and results to the world around you. You can easily get an overview and maintain contact with your network

Facebook – mostly for private use?

Even though most people use Facebook to keep in touch with their private network, there is still much to gain when it comes to Facebook and job hunting. On Facebook, you have access to a network which is easy to get in contact with – and you never know who might be relevant contacts. Be personal but serious when asking for help to come in contact with interesting companies or contact persons. Many companies have a page or profile on Facebook. It can be a good idea to follow interesting companies by clicking on "Like" or adding them as a friend.

of Norwegian companies use social media for recruitment (2/2015)

Twitter – short and concise messages

On Twitter you can post your own updates and read those of others. The updates are called tweets and consist of a text with a maximum of 140 characters. You can follow interesting people, public profiles, subject areas and companies. Twitter can be a good tool to get in contact with companies and interesting people, as well as for starting a dialogue.
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