AS3 Employment has been selected to assist Allerød, Frederiksberg, Gentofte, Gladsaxe and Lyngby-Taarbæk job centres to counsel unemployed academics. We are very proud of this!
We know what we are doing! Since 1989, AS3 Employment has been helping people to move forward in their jobs and careers. We have also implemented several projects and programmes that are aimed at academics.
We never compromise on quality.
We know that the results of your job seeking depend on the quality of our counselling. Therefore, the counsellors you will encounter as an academic in your dealings with AS3 Employment are all hand-picked. Our counsellors are well-trained, have a broad professional and educational background and have several years of experience from the business community. They have an in-depth knowledge of the ins and outs of the labour market and of what is expected of job seekers if they are to be considered for jobs.
All our counsellors have completed our internal certification programme, where they are specially trained in areas of particular relevance to the target groups they work with. Many of them have also taken our internal coaching qualification; Transition Coach.
As an unemployed academic, at AS3 Employment you will encounter counsellors who have the best professional and personal qualifications to help you pave your way to your next job.
It is all about your career and your future. It makes most sense to us that you customise our counselling programme to your individual situation, your needs, your qualification and your skills. During the partnership that we have entered into as part of your process of finding your next job, we expect you to take responsibility for your job seeking, to make the necessary decisions and act on them. In return, AS3 Employment will support you all the way by making our expertise available, in the form of coaching, counselling, our corporate network and our knowledge of the labour market.
As already mentioned, it is your future that is at stake and we will do all we can to ensure that your professional and personal competences for your job seeking have the best possible edge, allowing you to optimise your opportunities and increase your chance of getting a job.
If your job centre offers you (as an unemployed academic) the chance of programme with a secondary stakeholder, but you are unsure which stakeholder to choose, we would like to give you some good reasons for choosing AS3 Employment:
At our disposal we have the most competent and professional counsellors in the country and we only assign employees to this task who have a well-founded knowledge of the labour market for academics
We are part of a larger organisation (AS3 Companies), the member companies of which all have job counselling as their core area of business, which means that great professionalism and a tried and tested concept are the cornerstones of the work that we do
We are part of the industry's largest international careers network, Lee Hecht Harrison, who, together with our presence throughout the Nordic region has brought us plenty of knowledge about job seeking and labour markets abroad, which is relevant to very many academics
Our collaborative partners include the Careers Centre at Aarhus University where, through dialogue and counselling of future graduates about career paths, job seeking and other areas, we are able to keep ourselves up to date with what is going on among the students who will soon become part of the labour market
We always have an individual approach in our counselling and we offer flexibly-structured programmes that will accommodate the preferred working methods of most academics
Contact your job centre to learn more about your specific options for participation in a job seeking course at AS3 Employment.
AS3 Employment's contact and activation programme focuses on your opportunities. We also give you new methods and tools to help your job seeking. The goal is to help you towards your next job, as soon as possible.
Depending upon how long you have been unemployed, your job centre will sign you up for Module 1, Module 2 or Module 3. The modules are all individually customised and last for up to 26 weeks. Regardless of which module you are put on, we will make sure that you are called in to statutory job interviews and collaborate with you in your “Min Plan” job plan preparation.
In all three modules, you will also gain access to:
The AS3 Portal. We collect your personal documents and files in one place
The WebDirect company database and our extensive business network
- Phone hotline on weekdays between 14.00 – 16.00
At AS3 Employment, we ask all candidates to fill out an evaluation form with questions about satisfaction in relation to several different parameters.
Our latest survey of a total of 570 of our highly-qualified candidates shows:
that 87% were either very satisfied or satisfied with their AS3 Employment programme
that 82% had new ideas and job targets in their job seeking
that 84% had gained new knowledge which would improve their job seeking process
Therefore, we do not hesitate to promise that our job counselling will bring you closer to your next job!
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