Our values What we believe - and what we want
We believe that, within a few years, the labour market will become far more mobile and will move in three directions. Companies and organisations will be short of skilled labour. The need to retain key employees will increase and decision-making processes will speed up as these changes become a condition of business and will become ever more frequent. Increased agility will be necessary if companies are to maintain their competitiveness and create growth.
These are challenges we must all take seriously. So when we advise about business and job-related changes, it is based on our ambition to be the best, which is reflected in our vision:
“We want to be the Nordic region's best and most respected company specialising in the counselling of the unemployed.”
We are there! to advice the unemployed on social welfare to get a job.
In addition, all that we do is based on our values, which are 'decent', 'business-oriented' and 'long term'.
If we are to become Nordic market leaders and able to contribute to the ability of other companies and organisations to be healthy businesses, we must be business-oriented, and to become the most respected, we have to be decent. By being precisely both business-oriented and decent, we can have the opportunity to establish ourselves as a partner that is able to offer long-term solutions.