as3 employment Write a job application

Searching for a job is about writing Most common when searching for a job is to submit a written application in which you present yourself, your results, knowledge and experience as well as personal characteristics. Such an application is used both when responding to an advertisement and when applying through an unsolicited application.s.

Job application

Most common when searching for a job is to submit a written application in which you present yourself, your results, knowledge and experience as well as personal characteristics. Such an application is used both when responding to an advertisement and when applying through an unsolicited application.

How you do it. 

Your application must present you and your skills in a way that will make the recipient want to call you in for a job interview.

How to proceed when replying to a job advertisement. 

The easiest way to find job advertisements is on the internet on so-called "job portals" or the websites of companies or recruitment agencies. Newspapers and industry newsletters are other good sources.

Through its advertisement, the employer has taken the first initiative – by defining and describing what is required of the person who is wanted for the job.

Your task here is to describe how you can live up to the employer's expectations. For example, you can give examples of how you have acquired the experience required. It is important that you become properly acquainted with the company's needs for example by:

  • Reading the advertisement carefully – what does it say in "black on white" and what can you read between the lines

  • Acquiring more information by calling the contact person

  • Searching the company and the industry on the internet

Read the job advert- isement carefully

If you want to write a clear and focused application, the first step is to read through the job advertisement carefully. Once you understand what the advertisement indicates as important characteristics, it will become easier to sell yourself as interesting to the company.
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