One direction - multiple solutions
When we are counselling people who are outside the job market, our efforts always point in one direction; that of employment.
So the question is therefore rather banal. What will it take for the individual candidate (on sick leave or unemployed) to get into employment? However, the answer is usually more complex and requires multiple solutions.
Sustainable solutions
We always aim for the most long-term sustainable solution for the individual candidate. In that way, we want both candidate and job centre alike to experience working with us as an investment that pays off.
When collaborating with job centres, we prioritise the following in particular:
That we enter into a close relationship with our clients, which, among other things, involves mutual exchange of method and experience
That we have the best staff in the industry, at any given time
That we have a positive and healthy working environment
- That our task solution lives up to our three core values: Business-oriented, decent and long-term
Contact Information
Our programmes
Read more here
- contact and activation programme
- programme for unemployed people who are ready for the job market
- individual counselling programme
- Programme for those on sickness benefits
- Programme for those who have been referred for flex jobs
- Corporate match – for social security claimants who are ready for activity
- Casework in sickness benefit cases
The qualification is targeted at what we are concerned with; helping the unemployed and those on sick leave who, due to a job change, unemployment or sick leave and find themselves in a process of change, to move on in their careers
READ ABOUT THE QUALIFICATION AND TRANSITIONWe are in close contact with the business community
“We had a very positive experience of AS3 and the counsellor who is our contact” Bo Otzen from BILKA Odense